Thinking about Narratives in Video Games

In this post I sort of just want to organize my recent thoughts about a game concept that I am thinking of working on. I’ve recently played some very good video games and this has inspired me to look into developing my skills as an artist and programmer to the point where I can actually produce games. I’ve been playing around with Flash games and the like since middle school, but I have come into some free time which I think would be well spent in this endeavor.

I’ve chosen to work in Unity for a couple of reasons. First it seems to have recently become the standard for production of Indy games. Things I learn in this project will be very applicable elsewhere. Second its free. Thats always a good thing. Third, I’ve fooled around with Object Oriented Programming before so scripting won’t be entirely unfamiliar. Hopefully.

Now, Unity seems to be primarily 3D oriented, and my plan is to make a mostly 2D game, however the previous points are still swaying me.

So onto the game itself.

Growing up, the games I most favorably remember are the Bioware titles: Neverwinter Nights 2, KOTOR, and now Jade Empire. These were not perfect games: Combat in KOTOR and Jade Empire had its issues, and NWN2 was buggy as all hell. However, what was memorable for me were the characters you encounter during the games.

Something about gathering a bunch of followers, listening to their ridiculous or hilarious takes on life, and bringing out their histories in side quests, was to me one of the most enjoyable game mechanics I have encountered. Treating video games like interactive narratives is what I think was/is Bioware’s most important achievement.

So I want Sunset of Aton (or whatever the name ends up being) to include something like this. Obviously a Bioware scale main plot and character development would be overly ambitious, but when I’m making a game, I want to keep in mind primarily that I am creating a story. Things like combat should be addicting and enjoyable but should be secondary to the plot.

Hopefully I will be able to pull in some of my previous experience as a cartoonist to write some entertaining stuff.

Some sort of motley crew is essential.

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